
Yahoo! Sports - Top News: NFL to study hits to knees; rule change possible (Yahoo! Sports)

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NFL to study hits to knees; rule change possible (Yahoo! Sports)
Aug 27th 2013, 18:11

Ray Anderson, NFL executive vice president of football operations, speaks during a news conference to kick off NFL football Pro Bowl week in Honolulu, Tuesday, Jan. 22, 2013. The NFL is hoping to decide the fate of the Pro Bowl by the time it releases next season's schedule in April. And the fate of the league's all-star game will largely depend on how much effort this year's participants put into the game scheduled for Sunday at Aloha Stadium. (AP Photo/Oskar Garcia) (AP Photo/Oskar Garcia)

NEW YORK (AP) -- The NFL will keep a close eye on hits to the knees of defenseless players this season, with the possibility of extending the rules protecting such players.

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