
Yahoo! Sports - Top News: Rodman tells Kim Jong Un he has 'friend for life' (Yahoo! Sports)

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Rodman tells Kim Jong Un he has 'friend for life' (Yahoo! Sports)
Feb 28th 2013, 20:05

TV crews surround Dennis Rodman, a former NBA star at the departure hall of Beijing Capital International Airport in Beijing Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013.  Flamboyant former NBA star Rodman is heading to North Korea with VICE media company — tattoos, piercings, bad-boy reputation and all.  The American known as

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) -- Ex-NBA star Dennis Rodman hung out Thursday with North Korea's Kim Jong Un on the third day of his improbable journey with VICE to Pyongyang, watching the Harlem Globetrotters with the leader and later dining on sushi and drinking with him at his palace.

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