
Yahoo! Sports - Top News: Beckham joins PSG, pledges to donate salary (Yahoo! Sports)

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Beckham joins PSG, pledges to donate salary (Yahoo! Sports)
Jan 31st 2013, 22:18

FILE- In Sunday, June 17, 2007 file photo, Real Madrid player David Beckham waves goodbye to his fans after the Spanish League soccer match against Mallorca in Madrid. David Beckham will join Paris Saint-Germain on Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013, opting for a move to France after mulling over lucrative offers from around the world since leaving the Los Angeles Galaxy. The 37-year-old Beckham was to undergo a medical examination in the French capital before being officially presented as PSG's latest recruit, a person familiar with the situation told The Associated Press. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because the deal has not yet been completed. (AP Photo/Fernando Bustamante, File)

PARIS (AP) -- In a dazzling career filled with riches and titles, David Beckham is taking his globe-trotting soccer tour to one of the most alluring destinations of all.

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